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Un-clipped HDRs

Here are some of the HDR environment maps I took for CG lighting. They are captured as un-clipped HDR that represents the full dynamic range of the scene, except the ones where the sun disk is directly visible to the lens in which I used a 18% gray ball to calibrate the sun's intensity and color. What you see is the resulting JPGs that are saved straight from corresponding EXRs for display without any special tone-mapping treatment.


Please bear with me on quick-and-dirty nadir filling results presented in these panoramas as they are by no means for photography purposes. I used a consumer Canon DSLR with 1.6 crop sensor, Sigma 8mm fisheye, Promote Control, and Nodal Ninja 3 to take brackets exposed for light sources and stitch them in PTGui. 

I would like to give Christian Bloch's website (here) and his book (here) a huge plug on my path of learning HDR imaging. 

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